Saskatoon Canine Therapeutic and Recreational Swimming
A little bit of exercise and physical therapy helps folks recover from injuries and infirmities. The same idea also applies to dogs afflicted with or recovering from certain illnesses.
Take your dog out for a swim in our pool at Saskatoon, SK and see how fast your pooch gets back into shape. Discover the benefits of canine hydrotherapy at Saskatoon Waterpaws.

Hydrotherapy and Rehabilitation for Pets
We believe that a healthy dog is a happy dog. With hydrotherapy sessions at our heated indoor pool, the recovery of your injured best friend can take place at a faster pace. Get in touch with us for more in-depth information about canine hydrotherapy.

Recreational swimming for pets
No matter the season, dogs need exercise, and indoor swimming is a great alternative to exercising outdoors in our cold Saskatchewan winters. Swim your winter blues away! Doggie blow dryers are available on-site to avoid sniffles.

Pet grooming service
Dogs are big on instinct and they bounce off the happy energy we have when we’re around them. Bubbly and cuddly go together well. Bring your fine furry friends over for some serious pampered dog grooming at our salon.
Swimming can do a lot of good for your dog. Whether you own a little pup, a much older one, a competitive athlete, a sofa space hugger, or an injured dog recovering from or struggling with an illness, most dogs benefit from a little water!
Ruila Xu